99.95% availability

Our APIs can be used for mission-critical systems.

More than 1 million API calls daily

Our APIs are define in the standards.

Many active users

Many of people trust us.

About us

Banks will always be competitive, providing the consumer with the largest and best possible interaction experience. Not only integrated with partners and applications, but they achieve a new digital disruption, unstructuring and improving services, our approach is with that objective.

Among the large number of strategies, one of the ones that has generated the most resonance is Open Banking, which, in principle, proposes a “release” of information that allows personalizing financial services to suit the user.

Our APIs


Bill Payments APIs

Registered to receive bill or direct payments

Try it out.


Accounts APIs

Create bank accounts

Try it out.


Transfers APIs

Send micro transfers

Try it out.

Interbank's Open Banking APIs platform allows operations to be carried out in a secure way through web services. Easily carry out balance inquiries and own operations or third parties, such as receipt payments, credit card payments, transfers, from other platforms.

POST /api/transactions

"type": "TRANSFER",
"id": "16833741-33a0-437c-9c82-368bed96b7f6",
"from": "From 2003155266277",
"to": "To 1007000508040",
"currency": "PEN",
"amount": 414.23

Trust is our priority